Bananas in the Falklands

Beguiling, Amorous, Nonconformist, Adeptly Needing Arousing Stimulation oh and Fantastic Kisses.

Leah Cordice the evil lady rapist/paedophile

So lets talk female rapists [my blog] and lets meet Leah Cordice [bbc] who is new.

A babysitter Cordice has been detained for 30 months after having a 13-year-old boy’s baby. Judge Clarke added the victim, now 16, had suffered “chronic insecurities” over the offences

Funny that if male got that sentence womens rights campaigners would be screaming bloody murder.   Oh the fairer of the sex does get away with it.

Those evil women.

One response to “Leah Cordice the evil lady rapist/paedophile”

  1. […] evil female did it, [my blog] not a man.  Philippa Copleston-Warren certainly is the patriarchy and so probably […]

by golly but…

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