Bananas in the Falklands

Beguiling, Amorous, Nonconformist, Adeptly Needing Arousing Stimulation oh and Fantastic Kisses.

Shame by Jasvinder Sanghera

Rupert Murdoch sent another mind control message (my blog) about this book (he might own the publishers i didn’t bother to check) but regardless of that i decided that ‘Shame’ by Jasvinder Sanghera, isbn: 9780340924600 was worth the time.

So I went to the library – and a few weeks after publication i read it.

The book details the living of the indian/pakistani immigrant community in northern england (probably elsewhere to). As a monkey it seems that the indians are more racist than the english could ever be.

Quite what that says about ‘equal opportunities’ and the Bradford Riots well you read the book and make up your mind – or as Rupert keeps telling you fox viewers “YOU DECIDE but i like…”

A quote from the back cover:

‘Alright mum ‘ i sobbed. ‘I will come back an, but i cant marry that man’.

Mum: ‘Don’t Bother. In our eyes you’re dead.

The beginning of the book is more relaxed, the later bit is more rushed but Jasvinder Sanghera for her limitations flags a problem that many would be called racists for.

For this is the area of honour killings, and with one sister dead , with another married to an violent asbo she knows well the problems of arranged marriages* in close communities.

Being nice (a rare occurrence by bananas) her charity ‘Karma Nirvana’ is based in Derby England with a phone number of 01332 604098

Jasvinder Sanghera explains (in her own words) the need for a citizenship program that nobody could argue with.** England is England and not India or Pakistan


Bananas rates the book 2/5 bananas – its message though is rated 5/5 banana

* think buying property.

** new labour (eg gordon brown) approves of arranged marriages bbc

6 responses to “Shame by Jasvinder Sanghera”

  1. […] book has a passing friend in Shame (my blog isbn: 9780340924600) and raises some questions of the lack of progress in Pakistan and how much […]


    What stands out in this bravely written book by Jasvinder Sanghera is the unbeliveable racism that exists from Indians/ Pakistanis too the English. It is beyond belief and begs the question “Why do you want to set up home in England?” Constant threads of the English are white trash with their western values!!! Lets face it, Asians are the most racist of any race, caused bombings in the UK and never have, and never will, intergrate with white society. They are the ones with the chips on both shoulders and are understandably hated by everyone in the UK. Why do they stay? Time to do us all a favour and go home. and no, I am not racist, I am married to a Pakistani who is into all western values, ie, partying, wearing colourful sexy clothes, drinking, etc.

    Honour?? What a complete load of tripe – they are all a scourge to England. Go home immediately if you don’t like it – else, get on with it and intergrate.

  3. […] then how much crime is directed by the police to start with, after all if you can pay to get your honour crime (my blog) ignored it does rather subvert the whole point of having either laws or policemen […]

  4. […] well documented on the M side of things there is Mukhtar Mai’s (my blog) and the Indian side is Jasvinder Sanghera (my […]

  5. […] is a timid book, things like this (my blog) and the cousin problem are couched in secondhand concern and relayed by others.  Tame is […]

  6. […] Arranged marriages, family abuse in pakistan (my blog) and pissing on the street are tales from Luton so you could argue that buying a vauxhall car is benefiting pakistan more than anybody else. […]

by golly but…

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